A big thank you to the IECA for an amazing conference!
Hantho had the pleasure of attending the IECA Annual Conference and Expo for the International Erosion Control Association in Kansas City.
A big thank you to the IECA for an amazing conference!
We are excited to have Jay Bergeron as a new addition to our team as the Director of Green Infrastructure. Jay brings years of experience with Storm Water Management as both a city employee designer and consultant. His experience and expertise in this field will set Hantho apart as one of the leaders in the Green Infrastructure field and allow our team to provide a wider array of services for Stormwater Management and more.
Call us today to learn more about the solutions we provide: (763) 477-5011 or sales@hanthofarms.com
#greeninfrastructure #stormwatermanagement #nocompromisetosafety #landscapemaintenance #landscapemanagement #snowandicemanagement